interns and elected officials sit at a table and pose in front of the SLO County Democratic headquarters

Intern Testimonial

Cal Poly Communications Major Brenden Jacoby talks about his experience as a SLOCDP intern.

Our Student Internship Program Goals:

We match student interests, abilities, and education requirements to specific campaigns and projects. Past projects have included:

  • direct assistance and support to elected officials;

  • aid to campaigns and candidates during elections;

  • growing our power through civic engagement and voter registration;

  • working with community organizations to pursue social, economic, and environmental justice.

Cal Poly and Cuesta College students can intern with the County Democratic Party to grow their skills, develop new knowledge, and build relationships with community leaders and elected officials. Student interns work under the guidance of experienced organizers and campaigners. 

Course credit is available.

Interns with AG Rob Bonta
My favorite part of interning with the SLOCDP was attending the California Democratic Party convention this year.

Student Internship Program

Brenden Jacoby, SLOCDP Intern

Our interns gain real on-the-job experience. No coffee runs.

  • As the local Democratic Party, the SLOCDP stands for the overarching tenets of Dignity, Stewardship, Integrity, and the active pursuit of Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice for all, by engaging the community through participation in the democratic process.

  • Provide opportunities for students to intern with the SLO County Democratic Party by providing:

    • direct assistance and support to elected officials;

    • aid to campaigns and candidates during elections;

    • expansion of SLOCDP membership through civic engagement

    • collaboration and support of community organizations to pursue social, economic and environmental justice work.

  • Interns will provide some or all of these duties to SLOCDP Executive Committee, Sub Committee Chairs, Elected Officials and Candidates:

    Social Justice:

    • Represent the SLO County Democratic Party in the community

    • Set up and Organize committee and task force meetings

    • Chair Task Forces

    • Perform assigned duties related to committee or task force

    • Problem solve issues and provide solutions

    • Communication with Committee Members, community organizations, City staff and the citizenry

    Policy and Advocacy:

    • Research specific issues and provide policy information

    • Liaison with Candidates and Community Organizations

    • Participate in SLOCDP Monthly Meetings and Sub Committee Meetings

    • Meet with Electeds and Staff to discuss policy

    • Provide public comment and input on local, state an national issues

    Community Outreach:

    • Creation of graphics

    • Social Media: Set up Social Media accounts and post

    • Organize Live and Virtual Events

    Electing Candidates:

    • Organize GOTV and Field Team activities including setting up text and phone banks, canvassing and organizing and managing live and virtual events

    • Communicate Well

    • Work Independently and as a Team Member

    • Problem Solve

    • Provide organization, structure and direction to others

    • Research

    • Ask for assistance when needed

    • Exhibit flexibility and adaptability

    • Ask for help

    • Ongoing supervision and support

    • Bi-monthly coaching sessions

    • Regular feedback and expected outcomes

    • Opportunities and activities that build on the interns’ interests and skills

    • Career connections, mentorship, and networking opportunities within the organization/industry

    • Recommendation Letters

    • Complete tasks assigned.

    • Report difficulties with task completion at bi-weekly Zoom intern check in or weekly email check in.

    • If a task was time sensitive and not completed, another task must be completed with Supervisor’s direction and guidance.

    • Attendance at one SLOCDP monthly meeting.

    • Attendance and participation in a local government meeting, (School Board, City Council, Board of Supervisors meeting). Public comment must be made at the meeting.

    • Responsibility for completion of the intern timesheet that will be shared with supervisors prior to Finals.

    • All products created as an intern belong to the SLOCDP.

SLOCDP interns pose with Rep. Katie Porter and Assemblywoman Dawn Addis
During my internship, I had numerous life changing experiences, such as meeting local and state politicians, networking with prominent community members, and attending exclusive political events. The position also allowed me to work closely with other youth in building a student movement to increase equality, promote democracy, and speak directly to my elected representatives regarding the issues closest to my heart. Through it all, I was mentored by amazingly skilled organizers and trainers who provided incredible opportunities for me.